With a “vast heart,” towards 2030

In this section we offer resources for the SGEs discussion meetings; namely: a quote that sheds light on the relevance of the efforts that crystallise on these gatherings («Globally»), a presentation of the groups that sustain them («Locally»), a passage from the writings of Nichiren Daishonin commented by Daisaku Ikeda («Advancing with the Gosho»), a «Perspective» and some «Keywords».


“People’s lives are all different and diverse.
One person might be in the midst of struggles,
another person might be striving for their dreams,
while someone else may be lost and trying to find their way forward.
Facing the person in front of us and continuing to have sincere dialogues with them–
Everything begins here.
Treasuring each person– herein lies the prime point of the Soka Gakkai and it is also where you find the fundamental spirit of Buddhism. […]

When you encourage others, you will be encouraged yourself.
When you shed light for others,
the future will be illuminated for both you and your friends.
The encouragement of Soka, […] is the expression of true friendship.

Encouragement means to listen.
What tremendous strength it will give them when they know that someone cares about them and listens to what they have to say!
Words of kind consideration, imbued with your sincere prayer, will definitely touch your friend’s heart. […]
With this friend and that friend, let’s hold dialogues with the utmost sincerity, as a drama of human revolution will be born from such heartfelt dialogues.”[1]


Azahar and Soka groups

During the recently held course for the SGEs Byakuren and Sokahan groups [2] the more than eighty “Shin’ichi Yamamotos” who participated (in the image, a representatives of the group), in addition to studying, listening to stories of experiences in faith, having a question and answer session, sharing new determinations and singing Eternal Journey with Sensei, they spared time to hold discussion meetings in small group.

(Mailbox: prensa@ediciones-civilizacionglobal.com)


Though one might point at the earth and miss it, though one might bind up the sky, though the tides might cease to ebb and flow and the sun rise in the west, it could never come about that the prayers of the practitioner of the Lotus Sutra would go unanswered.

(On Prayer, WND-1, p. 345).

“As the Daishonin’s true heirs, with a ‘vast heart’ encompassing the earth, sea, sky, sun, and entire universe, let us forever cherish the noblest and greatest of prayers—the prayer for kosen-rufu and establishing the correct teaching for the peace of the land—and steadily fulfil the vows we have made.

The drama of human revolution is one in which the greater our struggles and efforts for Buddhism, others’ happiness, and the welfare of society, the more we are able to accumulate treasures of the heart and attain a boundless state of life filled with ‘the greatest of all joys’ and to help others do the same.

We of the Soka Gakkai, linked by the bonds of mentor and disciple, are committed to encouraging and shining a light on each precious, uniquely talented individual. United in the spirit of ‘many in body, one in mind,’ let us pledge together to impart great hope to our troubled world and exert ourselves bravely and vigorously to achieve the great spiritual victory of transforming the destiny of all humankind—a victory anchored in each of us developing a ‘vast heart’.”[3]


Myo (from myoho, The Mystic Law) means to revive”:[4] Daisaku Ikeda quotes these words from Nichiren Daishonin in the message from which the above-quoted comment has been extracted in order to, inspired by them, aim for making this moment a new beginning in the step towards the Soka Gakkai’s centennial, in 2030.

The year 2030 is also the timeline of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) approved by the United Nations: end of poverty, zero hunger, health and well-being, quality education, gender equality…[5].

All of this, for all people, leaving no one behind. The decade ahead is truly imposing, so are its challenges. But it seems that the three paragraphs of the above-quoted comment condense all that is necessary to face it with hope and victoriously, as Buddhists. We have the resources. Let’s discuss about how we put them into play!


Vast heart · Prayer · Treasures of the heart · Hope and victory · Towards 2030

[1]IKEDA, Daisaku: “Let’s courageously reach out to our friends!”Seikyo Shimbun, 11/10/2020.

[2]See this issue, the section «News».

[3]See this issue, the section “Starting point”.


[5]See in detail “Sustainable Development Goals”.

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