A beacon of hope

In this section we offer resources for the SGI Spain discussion meetings; namely: a quote that sheds light on the relevance of the efforts that crystallise on these gatherings («Globally»), a presentation of one of the groups that sustain them («Locally»), a passage from the writings of Nichiren Daishonin commented by Daisaku Ikeda («Advancing with the Gosho»), a «Perspective» and some «Keywords».


“In 1969, I received a letter from the eminent British historian Arnold J. Toynbee (1889–1975) asking me to take part in a dialogue with him.

[…] During our time together, Dr. Toynbee referred to these words by the ancient Roman dramatist Terence: ‘I’m a man; I don’t regard any man’s affairs as not concerning me.’ Dr. Toynbee took the experiences of all people as his own, seeing no one as unrelated to him and so never rejecting or ignoring anyone. That is why he was able to move beyond a Eurocentric view of history and adopt a more unbiased perspective on the rise and fall of civilizations, discovering the enormous power of people and ideas—what he called the ‘deeper, slower movements that, in the end, make history.’

As our dialogue came to a close, […] he called on me to create a dynamic groundswell of dialogue around the world. Voicing his belief that dialogue has an extremely important role to play in promoting harmony among different civilizations, peoples, and religions, he urged me, as someone still young, […] to continue engaging with stirring a whirlwind of dialogue through the wisdom of the Middle Way and thereby opening a path to harmony and coexistence.

And I responded with action.”[1]


Sol  Group| Image sent by Wolfgang Schlessier

We regularly remind ourselves that Nichiren Buddhism is the Buddhism of the Sun. Soka Gakkai members from Costa del Sol take particular pride in this. Such is the case that this discussion group in Marbella decided to reflect it in its name. The image above shows the first­ preparation meeting held through a video-conference, made “a virtue of necessity”: The remote connection made possible the participation of people who were at hundreds or thousands kilometres away from Marbella at the beginning of the confinement, and this way felt close to their comrades.

(Mailbox: prensa@ediciones-civilizacionglobal.com)


Those who become Nichiren’s disciples and lay believers should realize the profound karmic relationship they share with him and spread the Lotus Sutra as he does.

(Passage from Letter to Jakunichi-bō, WND-I, p. 994).

“Now is the time to make Mother Earth shine ever more brightly with the spiritual treasure of respect for life and for human beings. Let us create a planet where all living things can exist together in beautiful harmony, a world where all are celebrated and can enjoy peace and happiness.

The Soka Gakkai is a citadel of ordinary people who have each made a vow to become a beacon of hope for others. It is a network of individuals working together based on the belief that they can create happiness for themselves and others through their own human revolution. […]

Let’s surmount all differences and obstacles and reach out to a friend in need. Filled with the joy that comes from living aware of the profound karmic bonds of mentor and disciple, let’s spread Nichiren Daishonin’s Buddhism of the sun among the people.”[2]


“In that moment”:[3] how significant is that the “Expedient Means” chapter from the Lotus Sutra, which is comprised in the beginning of the gongyo –Soka Gakkai members’ daily practice–, starts with these words…Through this acknowledgment we can appreciate that the previous words from Daisaku Ikeda above-mentioned (“Now is the time”) have a deep meaning. Nichiren Daishonin  wrote “when it comes to studying the teachings of Buddhism, one must first learn to understand the time.”[4] And, as to clarify that he did not refer to a merely intellectual activity, he synthesized: “the hour has come for the widespread propagation of Myoho-renge-kyo. To understand this is to have an understanding of the time.”[5] Understanding this concept can help us to also realise another quote from the “Globally” section: “I responded with action.”


Karmic bonds · Spread the Lotus Sutra · The moment · Action · Hope

[1]IKEDA, Daisaku: “Celebrating May 3”.

[2] ↑ Ib.

[3]See Soka Gakkai Liturgy for the ‘gongyo’, Rivas-Vaciamadrid: Ediciones Civilizacion Global, 2019, p. 41.

[4]The Selection of the Time, WND-I, p. 538.

[5] The Teaching, Capacity, Time, and Country, WND-I, p. 51.

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