Our noble mission

In this section we offer resources for the SGEs discussion meetings; namely: a quote that sheds light on the relevance of the efforts that crystallise on these gatherings («Globally»), a presentation of the groups that sustain them («Locally»), a passage from the writings of Nichiren Daishonin commented by Daisaku Ikeda («Advancing with the Gosho»), a «Perspective» and some «Keywords».


“In a place brimming with hope,
there are fragrant blossoms of people’s smiles because there is the promise of a bright future.

Hope is faith in the future.
Hope is the courage to continue to challenge ourselves.
And hope is to make an unflagging effort to advance tirelessly from today to tomorrow!

If you cannot find hope, be the one to create hope. Happiness lies in this way of life.

Let’s create ‘hope’!

No matter what desperate situation you face in your life,
you can stand up where you are,
and resolve to dedicate your life toward peace, hope and victory and create value with an indomitable spirit!
This is what is meant by Soka.

‘Victory’- the jewelled crown shining with brilliance – I wish to present this crown to each and every single one of you,
my fellow comrades who are deeply connected by profound karmic ties.

‘My friends, be victorious!’ – this was the fervent wish of my mentor, Josei Toda. And it is my wife’s and my most ardent prayer. […]

‘Let’s forge ahead, ever advancing toward another summit of hope!’.”[1]


Protagonists of joy

Greetings opened and closed the Festival of 29th November.[2] The opening ones were video-recordings, while the closing greetings was an animated video with photographs taken in different meetings held during the preceding weeks. The faces of hundreds of Protagonists of Joy from Portugal and Spain, such as these from the Barcelona Sud and Catalunya Oest areas, conveyed such looks full of determination, some of them still with tears of emotion in their eyes.

 (Mailbox: prensa@ediciones-civilizacionglobal.com)


The heart of the Buddha’s lifetime of teachings is the Lotus Sutra, and the heart of the practice of the Lotus Sutra is found in the “Never Disparaging” chapter. What does Bodhisattva Never Disparaging’s profound respect for people signify? The purpose of the appearance in this world of Shakyamuni Buddha, the lord of teachings, lies in his behavior as a human being.

(Passage from WND-1, 852; “The Three Kinds of Treasure”).

What this underscores for me is that we are not only carrying on the mission of kosen-rufu as Bodhisattvas of the Earth, but are also joyfully spreading Bodhisattva Never Disparaging’s practice of respecting all people in this troubled saha world in the evil age after the Buddha’s passing. This sort of “behavior as a human being” is embodied in the action of encouraging the person right in front of us, and is at the core of our dialogue movement based on respect for the dignity of life and for all people….

A Buddha of the Latter Day of the Law is an ordinary human being, not a resplendent Buddha with superhuman attributes, such as those described in sutras as expedient means. We do not need to try to impress others, put on airs, or pretend to be something we’re not. We ordinary people living in the saha world are all inherently Buddhas, endowed with supreme dignity… Each of us taking action for kosen-rufu is a “Bodhisattva Never Disparaging of the Latter Day of the Law… The purpose of the Soka Gakkai is to create an age in which all people can live with true dignity, to bring peace and happiness to all, and to ensure the safety and security of our global community. Our Soka network of world citizens has made its appearance with this wondrous and noble mission.[3]


In order to have a thorough understanding of Buddhist concepts in this page, such as “Bodhisattvas of the Earth”, “The Latter Day of the Law”, or “saha world”, one needs to study. Along with the this magazine and other publications of Civilización Global Editions, the new Soka Gakkai global website is a useful reference in this regard, which includes a section with “Study materials” in the “Resources” tab.


Never Disparaging · Profound respect for people · Purpose of the Soka Gakkai

[1]IKEDA, Daisaku, “Let’s embark upon our hope-filled voyage toward the Soka Gakkai’s centennial!”, Seikyo Shimbun, 22/11/2020.

[2]See this issue, the section “Special”.

[3] See this issue, the section “Monthly Study”.

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