The Buddha’s Emissaries

Resources for the introduction of SGI-Spain’s discussion meetings

The Lotus Sutra states: “If one of these good men or good women in the time after I have passed into extinction is able to secretly expound the Lotus Sutra to one person, even one phrase of it, then you should know that he or she is the envoy of the Thus Come One. He has been dispatched by the Thus Come One and carries out the Thus Come One’s work.”
One who recites even one word or phrase of the Lotus Sutra and who speaks about it to another person is the emissary of Shakyamuni Buddha, lord of the teachings. (…) [And] anyone who offers so much as a word or a phrase on my behalf will acquire greater blessings than if he had made offerings to countless Buddhas

↳ Passage from The Pure and Far-Reaching Voice in WND-1, page 331. Nichiren Daishonin sent this letter to Shijo Kingo, his staunch follower, in September 1272, while in exile on Sado Island. In this writing, he stresses the persecutions he has undergone for the sake of Buddhism, and he firmly declares his intention to make even greater efforts to propagate the Lotus Sutra, the teaching of universal enlightenment, in accord with the mission he has undertaken based on the Buddha’s decree. He also praises Shijo Kingo for his sincere support. The quote from The Lotus Sutra in this passage corresponds to chapter 10, “The Teacher of the Law.”

In this [passage], the Daishonin discusses the significance of the Buddha’s emissaries, who propagate the Mystic Law
We, as SGI members, have the wondrous mission to uphold the Mystic Law in the Latter Day. Only to the extent that we talk with others about our Buddhist practice and philosophy will the number of people who have formed a connection to Nichiren Buddhism increase and the correct teaching spread.
Our voices are powerful. Words are our weapons in a positive sense. As long as we pray with compassion and courage to help others make a connection with Nichiren Buddhism and walk the path of happiness together with us, our words will resonate with others. This is because voices infused with the daimoku of the Mystic Law have the power to awaken the Buddha nature of those with whom we speak. Even though the effect might not be immediately apparent, please be assured that your voice will deeply permeate others’ lives.
Each SGI member is a noble “emissary of Shakyamuni Buddha, lord of the teaching[1].”[2]

Just as we can also read in the section “Este mes,” while he stresses the absolute importance of the voice, the Daishonin also states that “The Buddha saves people from suffering through the written word.”[3] It is a bidirectional process which has no end. On the one hand, some people find an interest in Buddhism through reading and as a result decide to get in touch with practising people with whom they can discuss about the teaching. On the other hand, many, many times words spoken by a friend’s voice are the ones which encourage us to read, or if we already do this, to read more or to read in greater depth; this in turn awakens our desire to establish a Buddhist dialogue…

Daisaku Ikeda has many times praised the efforts of the people who allow and promote the spreading of the Buddhist teaching through Soka Gakkai publications. These efforts have usually been made in a subtle way and without an apparent reward. On one occasion, Daisaku Ikeda praised them quoting the following moving words from the Daishonin:

During the harsh winter of 1276, Nichiren Daishonin was extremely pleased to have received a letter from Konichi-ama: “In these circumstances, your letter was particularly welcomed. It seemed almost like a message from Shakyamuni Buddha or from my departed parents, and I cannot tell you how grateful I was.”[4]
The noble messengers of the “kosen-rufu letters,” the publications of our organization, certainly deserve the same praise from the Daishonin. (…) They are true emissaries of the Buddha, real treasures of the Soka Gakkai. They follow the path of human revolution, the Buddhist practice way that leads to building up good fortune and benefits that will fragrantly adorn their existences for all eternity.[5]

Youth from Centre Chapter | Photo sent by Noelia Balbo

In this SGI-Spain’s organization in Barcelona, the awareness of the importance of the type of encouragement in faith that the personal encounters allow for and the resulting efforts that are being given to them are reflected later in the meetings which many youth wish to participate in and where so much joy is reflected from their faces. Congratulations!


[1]The Pure and Far-Reaching Voice, in WND-1, page 331.

[2]IKEDA, Daisaku: “The Pure and Far-Reaching Voice”: Speak Out with Voices Ringing with Truth and Justice!, Daibyakurenge, May 2013.

[3] ↑ GZ, page 153.

[4]The Actions of the Votary of the Lotus Sutra, in WND-1, page 779.

[5]Tentative translation from IKEDA, Daisaku: «La nieve y nuestros héroes sin corona triunfal», Seikyo Shimbun, 18/1/1998.

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