Resolutely standing up

In this section we offer resources for the SGI Spain discussion meetings; namely: a quote that sheds light on the relevance of the efforts that crystallise on these gatherings («Globally»), a presentation of one of the groups that sustain them («Locally»), a passage from the writings of Nichiren Daishonin commented by Daisaku Ikeda («Advancing with the Gosho»), a «Perspective» and some «Keywords».


“‘A word of trust’,
‘a word of encouragement’,
‘a word of conviction’ – how much power and vigour
these words can give to people at crucial times.
Encouragement is vital.
It is the voice of encouragement that matters.
A Buddhist scripture states that
‘the voice does the Buddha’s work.’
It is the ‘voice of encouragement’ from our heart that gives hope and courage to people
who are living in the midst of reality […]
When you try to make yourself look better,
talking to others becomes an austerity.
Just stay the way you are. […]
Listen to others sympathetically,
People will have a sense of relief just by having
someone ‘listen’ to their worries.
It gives them the strength to move forward […]
The important thing is to regard each phone call
and each dialogue as your Buddhist training to
enable others to form connections with Buddhism
and share the good fortune.
Speak to others with your voice
resonating with your deep prayer […]
It begins with a ‘fresh voice’ resonating with a ‘fresh spirit’!”.[1]


Mariola, Eric, Nira and Néstor

Within the framework of the #cuéntame (#Tellme) initiative, this family living in the Garraf County (Barcelona) were particularly inspired by a phrase featured at the May issue of this magazine: “Family members who are united by the Mystic Law […] form creative homes that illuminate their neighbourhoods and societies with the light of happiness”. By sharing with all of us this creative photo, in which they captured this light of happiness, they truly are contributing to illuminating our society, bringing us joy and hope.



In this entire country of Japan, I am the only one who has been chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. I am like the single speck of dust that marks the beginning of Mount Sumeru or the single drop of dew that spells the start of the great ocean. Probably two people, three people, ten people, a hundred people will join in chanting it, until it spreads…

(Passage from The Blessings of the Lotus Sutra, WND-I, 84).

“After Shakyamuni Buddha, the founder of Buddhism, attained enlightenment under the bodhi tree in India, he hesitated as to whether or not to share with others the Law he had awakened to, because it was such an unprecedented teaching. Eventually, however, he made up his mind and stood up alone to teach the Law for the sake of people’s happiness. This stand-alone spirit is the unchanging foundation of Buddhism that has existed since its very beginning.

When the Daishonin first established his teaching, he also stood up alone to propagate it, fully aware of the great difficulties he would face. He observes: ‘In this entire country of Japan, I am the only one who has been chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo’.

Inheriting the Daishonin’s great vow, the first three Soka Gakkai presidents stood up to carry out the substantive realization of kosen-rufu. And today we have entered a magnificent age of global kosen-rufu. We see here an eternal formula. In all struggles for kosen-rufu, there will be no progress without efforts grounded in the stand-alone spirit.

Though we may feel that our life is as small and insignificant as a speck of dust or a drop of dew, when we stand up with firm resolve and shine, we are no longer a hidden speck of dust or a fleeting drop of dew, but rather the ‘single speck of dust that marks the beginning of Mount Sumeru’ and ‘the single drop of dew that spells the start of the great ocean.’ […] This accords with the principle of ‘three thousand realms in a single moment of life.’ This is the dynamic transformative power taught in Buddhism.”[2]


Following the words quoted above, the Daishonin writes: “Those persons who have spoken slanderously of me will in time chant in the same way”. His behaviour and the actual proof he demonstrated led many people –including several of those who had slandered him– to start following his teachings, regard him as their mentor or support his purpose as his allies. Referring to that, Daisaku Ikeda asserts: “All people inherently possess the Buddha nature. Even if some lack understanding and criticise us, their Buddha nature will eventually become active”.[3]


“Stand-alone” spirit · Propagating the Law · Transformative power |

[1] ↑ IKEDA, Daisaku: “Let’s make a fresh advance with the ‘Power of the Voice’!”, Seikyo Shimbun, 17/5/2020.

[2]See this issue, “The Youth Division (2/3)”.


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